19 May This Week at FPC
One-Day VBS Volunteers
This summer we will host a One-Day Vacation Bible School for kids K-4th grade on June 19. If you would like to be a teacher, helper, song leader, snack manager, decorator, or help in some other way, fill out the volunteer form by May 26.
Youth Bake Sale
Bake sale is this Sunday. Plan to bring cash or check to make purchases after both services. Funds raised will help send our youth to conferences this summer.
If you signed up to bring items for the bake sale, plan to drop them off at the following times or call the office to make other arrangements.
- Saturday, May 22, at Dri’s house anytime during the day at your convenience.
- Saturday, May 22, at the church between 7-8:30 p.m.
- Sunday, May 23, at the church before 1st servic
Facilities Supervisor
We are looking for a Facility Supervisor who will be responsible for keeping the church building in excellent working condition. This job is a 10 – 15 hours/week. Our ideal candidate is one who has skill, initiative and flexibility to embrace the needs of a beautiful and aging building to meet the changing needs of our church. Visit our website for full job description and more information.
Summer Schedule of Events
Summer Schedule of events for children, youth, and families is now available. A hard copy can be picked up by the bulletins on Sunday mornings.
Fellowship Committee Team
Fellowship Committee is seeking new members to help imagine and plan ways for us to fellowship together. If you love people, like to think about small group gatherings, have event planning skills for larger gatherings, like to decorate, are a social butterfly, have muscle to set things up, or just desire to get involved in a new way the Fellowship Committee wants you! Please email Brandy Cowell if you are interested.
Nursery Volunteers
We are preparing to reopen the nursery for summer worship. To make that possible, we need volunteers. If you would like to join the Nursery volunteer team, have a COVID vaccine, and want to love on babies during the worship service, fill out a volunteer application or contact Dri.
Summer Office Hours
During the summer months (June, July, and August) the church office will be closed. Don’t worry, we’ll still be working! If you need in the building or need to speak to someone at the church we can be reached by voicemail at 479.524.5935 or by email at info@fpcsiloam.com. You can also visit our website www.fpcsiloam.com for the most up to date information on what’s happening at FPC.