05 Jan This Week at FPC
Canceled – Kick-off Breakfast
In light of the surge of Covid cases in Northwest Arkansas, the Covid commission has decided to cancel the CE Kick-Off Breakfast this Sunday. Christian Education classes for children and adults as planned beginning Sunday, January 16. We will also ask teachers in children’s classrooms to wear masks.
Watch for more information about the new CE classes for the semester.
FPC Community Calendar
The Community Committee is very excited to have a new “FPC Community Calendar.” When you visit the event calendar on the church website, look for purple events. These are our community calendar events. Make sure to check it out frequently and add events of your own. This section of our calendar is a place to share informal events hosted by people within the church that are open to the congregation. Events can be planned parties or showers but also less structured events like meeting for coffee, play dates for families, or getting together to play basketball. We want this to be a way for our church to connect outside of Sunday morning.
Our first event on the calendar is for a baby shower for Brandy and Ryan Cowell. All are invited to attend on Saturday, January 8, at the Brick Ballroom. Please RSVP here.
Adult Sunday School
New Adult Sunday School classes begin next week, Jan. 16.
Mark Bible Study – Join Thera Barber and her class as they continue to journey through the book of Mark.
Divided By Faith – Join the NWA United Commission in a book study on race relations and how we, as the global and local church, can work toward redemption and healing.
CE Starts
Youth Group starts back this Sunday, Jan. 9 at 6:30 p.m.
Evening Office & Family Gathering resume on Wednesday, Jan. 12 at 6 p.m. Choir meets at 7 p.m.
Sunday School Classes start Jan. 16 at 9:00 a.m.
New Member Class
If you are interested in becoming a member of First Pres. or are just interested in learning more about our church, there will be a New Member Class offered in two parts during the 9:00 a.m. CE hour on January 30 and February 6. Attendance is not a commitment to joining the church, but you are required to attend both parts in order to pursue membership. Outside accommodations can be made to make up a class if you are unable to attend both.
Please sign up if you plan to attend or contact Jonathan if you have any questions.
2022 Prayer Booklets
Prayer booklets for January – April 2022 will be available beginning Sunday.