This summer has been full of fun, deeper connection, learning about God and so much more. The youth have gone to Joplin for the Move Conference and gained deeper insight into the Parables of Jesus. Incidentally, the children investigated the Parable of the Sower at VBS and we still have a Middle School Mystery Trip coming. Not to mention the church-wide events we’ve had and have yet to have. But, you know… it’s easier to show you than to tell you, so please enjoy these pictures.
Exploring Joplin's Shoal Creek Falls and old fashioned ice cream shop.
Last day of Move
Detective Sheerluck investigates Farmer Bea's mystery of why some of her seeds grew and some didn't.
Getting into the text, let's see what Jesus says!
K-2nd graders decoding the memory verse (Matthew 7:7-8)
Trying on undercover disguise for our investigation