August Note from Dri

We need YOU!

Did you know that during the school year it takes around 40 volunteers each week to continue the various activities and ministries of First Pres? Between Sunday School teachers, liturgists, ushers, Communion celebrants, fellowship time coordinators and all the rest, there are a lot of ways for you to be involved. This is not a plea for more volunteers, but an invitation to participate fully in the life of our local body and partner with God as he transforms lives both within and outside of the walls of our building.

Sunday, August 21st, we will have a volunteer fair right after service in the gym. This is where each committee or ministry area leader will have a table set up for you to ask questions and find out more about the various roles that make our church function. We’ll have light refreshments and paper copies of the online form for you to fill out as you peruse. Check as many as you like. You’re not committing to all of them, just letting us know your interest. We hope you’ll stick around to chat and find your place in our church family for this season of life.

BUT you don’t have to wait for the church fair to start learning about your options and to start thinking and praying about where God would have you serve. You can look through the online Volunteer form here and check as many boxes as you like. Again, this isn’t a commitment to each box checked, but an expression of interest. There are links to more information about the responsibilities of each role. There are some very visible roles, and some less visible but equally as important roles. Or you may have a particular skill or passion not listed that you’d like to share with us. There is space for you to include that as well.

If you are interested in any of the roles with minors, please plan to attend the required volunteer training on Sunday August 28th. For this meeting, lunch and childcare will be provided. Not only will we cover best practices and our church policies, but we’ll also talk about the big picture plan and how your role this year fits into that. You’ll get to see that you are not just teaching some Bible lessons, but rather that these Bible lessons build on each other and move with our kids and students strategically through each stage and phase of life.