06 Sep September note from Dri: Fall Kick Off
Fall Kick Off Is Here!
Each summer, we take a break from our weekly Christian Education programs, like Sunday School to both give our volunteers and families time to relax and enjoy the summer. But as summer is winding down, school has started and we’re ready to get back at it! We are excited for the many ways that we can facilitate God’s work in the lives of our children and youth.
Sunday School
This is our age-based learning time where students get to see God as he’s revealed in scripture, nursery through adults.
We start Sept 10th at 9:30am with a potluck breakfast in the gym. Sept 17th and beyond, in the downstairs classrooms. This is a great opportunity for children and youth to learn and grow with developmentally appropriate curriculum tailored to their age group.
All students under 18 need to complete the Yearly Registration before Sept. 10th for Sunday School and Youth Group
Midweek Events
While we believe that kids need age-based time to learn, we also recognize the more adults outside of their parents who know and care for them, the more likely they are to remain life-long followers of Christ. That’s why we are experimenting with a 6-week gathering to nurture intergenerational relationships and community called LIFT (Living in faith Together). Unlike the Sunday Morning Worship Service, where kids participate in the structured adult world, this gathering brings generations together around tables in a much more informal setting that’s easier for kids to engage in. We’ll participate together in four activities: sharing food (Breaking Bread Together), enjoying fellowship (Playing Together), worshiping (Praying Together), and studying the Bible (Studying the Bible Together). It’s a beautiful way to learn from one another, regardless of age and invest in the lives of our children and youth. Register by today, Sept 6th, to help us have an accurate food-count.
Additionally, for the ’23-’24 school year, we are testing out a modular system for our midweek events. Here’s what you can expect the rest of this year:
LIFT (Life In Faith Together): Sept 13th-Oct 18th
Children’s Christmas Pageant Practice: Oct 25th-Dec 6th
Lamp Lighters (Bible Memory Class): Jan 10th-Feb 21st
Children’s Easter Choir: Feb 28th-May 8th