12 May This Week at FPC
One-Day VBS Volunteers
This summer we will host a One-Day Vacation Bible School for kids K-4th grade on June 19. If you would like to be a teacher, helper, song leader, snack manager, decorator, or help in some other way, fill out a volunteer form.
Bright Futures
Thank you to all who Thank you to all who helped pack snack packs last week!
About 1200 snack packs were prepared. These snack packs will be available for student during the summer to help supplement meals when a school lunch is unavailable. Check out the recap for photos and to see the letter of thanks from Bright Futures.
Facilities Supervisor
FPC is hiring a Facilities Supervisor. Visit our website for full job description and more information.
Youth Bake Sale
The Youth are doing a bake sale Sunday, May 23, after each service in the Elm Room to raise funds for their summer conferences. But we need goodies! If you like to bake, please sign up or find Dri after services on Sunday. Baked goods will be collected Saturday, May 22 or before the 9:00 a.m. service on May 23.
Nursery Volunteers
We are preparing to reopen the nursery for summer worship. To make that possible, we need volunteers. If you would like to join the Nursery volunteer team, have a COVID vaccine, and want to love on babies during the worship service, fill out a volunteer application or contact Dri.
Evening Office & Summer Schedule
Today, May 12, will be the last Evening Office for the Summer. Service will resume in August.
Summer Schedule of events for children, youth, and families is now available. A hard copy can be picked up by the bulletins on Sunday mornings.