23 Jun This Week at FPC
Outreach Opportunity – Bright Futures
The Outreach Committee wants to let you know about an opportunity to volunteer with one of our partner ministries, Bright Futures. Each year, Bright Futures coordinates a drive for backpacks and school supplies that will be distributed to K12 students in our public schools here in Siloam Springs. As we approach the back-to-school season, they are in need of volunteers to prepare these backpacks. Follow the link below for volunteer times/dates and to sign up.
Water Fun at Memorial Park
Meet us at the Memorial Park splash pad by the Library for some water fun from 4-6 p.m. on Wednesday, July 7. Come and go as you like. All ages are welcome!
Youth Pool Party
Students completed 5th-12th grade are invited to join us for a pool party at the Klenda’s house on Saturday, July 10 from 2-4 p.m. Modest swimwear, please. Bring a snack to share! Check weekly email or contact Dri for address.
Facilities Supervisor
We are looking for a Facility Supervisor who will be responsible for keeping the church building in excellent working condition. This job is a 10-15 hours/week. Our ideal candidate has skill, initiative and flexibility to embrace the needs of a beautiful and aging building to meet the changing needs of our church. Visit our website for full job description and more information.
Breeze Notifications
Did you know you can receive notifications about birthdays and anniversaries through Breeze? After logging in, follow this tutorial to customize your notifications in our online directory. Sign up for Breeze if you haven’t already.
Summer Office Hours
During the summer months (June, July, and August) the church office will be closed. If you need in the building or need to speak to someone at the church we can be reached by voicemail at 479.524.5935 or by email at info@fpcsiloam.com. You can also visit our website www.fpcsiloam.com for the most up to date information on what’s happening at FPC.