27 Oct This Week at FPC
Friday, October 29, FPC will host a Truck-or-Treat event in conjunction with the annual Downtown Siloam Springs Trick-or-Treat. We need costumed volunteers and decorated trunks in the church parking lot from 4-6 p.m.
We are also collecting candy donations to fill those trunks TODAY, Wednesday, Oct 27. Simply bring it by the church office today.
CE is Moving Indoors
Watch the video as Dri shares a walkthrough of the new check in procedures for children’s Christian Education.
Indoor Services
Beginning Sunday, October 31, all Sunday morning services will move indoors. Sunday school will remain at 9:00 a.m., fellowship at 10:00 a.m., and the service will move to 10:30 a.m. We ask that you wear a mask while inside.
Holiday Bags
The Outreach Committee is working with the Manna Center again this year to collect food for people in need this holiday season. This is a great and tangible way for us to practice presence in our community. Bags with a shopping list can be picked up at the church starting Sunday, Oct. 31, and returned by Sunday, Nov. 14.
Nursery & Young Children’s Worship Volunteers Needed
As we return inside, we are excited to restart nursery during the worship service for children 2 and under, as well as Young Children’s Worship during the second part of the worship service for Preschool (ages 3-5). This means we need volunteers, particularly for Young Children’s Worship. If you can serve with one of these two age groups once a month on a rotating basis, please fill out Nursery Volunteer form or Young Children’s Worship form.
Choir Returns
Choir rehearsals we begin again on Wednesday, November 10, from 7-8 p.m. in the choir room! If you are interested in singing in the choir (returning singers and new singers), please send a quick email to Jen Edwards with your name and what part you normally sing (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). Choir is open to 8th grade through adults; see you on the 10th!
Christmas Pageant
Children of all ages are needed for the Children’s Christmas Pageant with speaking and non-speaking parts (and minimal memorization). Sign up your children by Sunday, October 31, by noon. The first practice will be Wednesday, November 3, at 6:00 p.m. in place of the Family Gathering.
Seamstresses & Creators Needed
We need seamstresses, creatives, painters, and builders to help create costumes, props and sets for the Children’s Christmas Pageant. If you can help, contact Dri.
Reformation Day Pakcets
October 31 is Reformation Day! We’ll have packets available for families with 4th graders and below this Sunday with some fun activities, coloring pages, and information on what Reformation Day is all about!