02 Nov November Note From Dri
Our kids Sunday School classes are learning the New City Catechism, but not every class goes straight from question 1 through 52. Here’s why:
The New City Catechism was designed to give a comprehensive understanding of theology, which means it covers some really big concepts. While the Christian Education Committee walked through the questions together we discovered that there were two or even three levels of questions. Some questions are central questions and others are follow up questions to those central questions that explore the nuances of those central themes. The CE committee chose to help each age group really focus on the questions that are most age appropriate and build upon it each year.
The Kindergarten-2nd Grade class will be focusing on the questions that take them through the central gospel message of the Catechism. The schedule is also designed to take them through the bad news, that we are sinners in need of a Savior and end the semester with the best news, that we have a Savior in Jesus right at Christmas time! They will then spend the spring semester in the questions pertaining to spiritual disciplines, like reading God’s word, prayer, baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
The 3rd-4th Grade class will be reviewing all of these questions, but adding to them those follow up questions. While the K-2nd graders are learning just Question 13: “Can anyone keep the law of God perfectly?” and then skipping to Question 15: “Since no one can keep the law of God perfectly, what is it’s purpose?” the 3rd-4th graders will also include Question 14: “Did God create us unable to keep the law?” This question is a very important question that 3rd-4th graders are already asking, but might be confusing to some K-2nd graders. The 3rd-4th grade class is still skipping a few questions that, though true, necessary and important, might be too nuanced without the full context and cognitive development.
Our Fifth and Sixth Graders are also reviewing all of these questions including those questions that we as adults may still struggle with. For example: Question 27, “Are all people, just as they were lost through Adam, saved through Christ?” This age group is really digging into those tough theological concepts like Jesus humanity and divinity, and words like “justification,” and “sanctification.”
You can find a full list of the schedule of questions for the fall semester here. Parents, you can print these out to follow along and review at home. Download the New City Catechism app available for both Apple and Android. Not only does it have the questions, but the songs to memorize each question and commentary to support the answer. Check out the New City Catechism playlist on Spotify as well. If your family doesn’t have one, grab a free booklet with all 52 questions from the check-in desk this Sunday!