09 Mar This Week at FPC
Lenten Reading Guide for Families
During the season of Lent, we want you to encourage families to be reading and praying together in preparation for Easter. Follow the link below for a free guide from Jesus Storybook Bible for reading through lent.
Sunday Morning Prayer
You are invited to a time of prayer on Sundays from 9:30-10 a.m. during the season of Lent (March 6 – April 10, except March 20). We will meet in the rear of the sanctuary behind the collapsible partition.
Choir Restart
Choir rehearsals will begin again on Wednesday, March 16! If you are interested in being a part of our choir, contact Jen Edwards.
Easter Eggstravaganza
Save the date for our annual Easter Eggstravaganza on Saturday, April 16 at 10:00 a.m.
Spring Retreat
April 1-2 at New Life Ranch for 5th-12th grade students. Total cost is $75 due at registration. The theme is “in this together.” We’ve heard it a lot during the pandemic, but what is “this” and what does it mean to do it “together?” Maybe it’s about more than just a pandemic. Maybe it’s how we live life together as a church, globally and locally… and as a youth group right here and now, beyond the platitudes and philosophical, to real life.
Sign up at fpcsiloam.com/springretreat2022
Youth Bake Sale
Stop by the Elm Room this Sunday to purchase baked goods to support our youth summer trips.
Easter Eggstravaganza
Save the date for our annual Easter Eggstravaganza on Saturday, April 16 at 10:00 a.m.
To get ready for this event we are collecting plastic eggs and small individually wrapped candy now through April 10. If you are able, please pre-fill your eggs.