One-Day VBS Registration One Day VBS Registration is now open! This year’s theme is “I Wonder…” where we’ll be wondering how we can spend time with God and exploring all the ways to know him better. Join us June 24 10 a.m.- 2 p.m., lunch provided. Visit to register your students today.
July 8, noon-4 p.m. at the JBU Library. Students are invited play a light-hearted, shortened version of the role-playing game, Dungeons and Dragons. All skill levels are welcome, no previous experience needed. Or, simply come for the food and hang out to watch the story unfold as our adventurers embark on an epic quest. Pizza provided. Students, please bring snacks to share!
Congregational Meeting
There will be a congregational meeting immediately following the service this Sunday, June 25, to vote on a replacement member of the search committee.