January note from Dri: New Discovery Tool

Our mission statement is:

 To glorify God by participating with Him in the transformation of our lives, the community of believers, and our world.

We participate with Him the transformation of our lives by attending Sunday morning worship, Sunday School classes and small groups. But how do we participate in the transformation of the community of believers and our world? One of the best ways to do so is to volunteer where God is already at work. One of the major challenges is that we want to volunteer but don’t know where. And the Church has needs, but don’t know who. It’s important now, more than ever, in this interim period of waiting for a new pastor, that we connect the who with the where! 

The Christian Education Committee has been working with Ministry Architects, a church consulting firm whose goal is to create healthy systems with innovative change, for the future of the church. They have helped us to create a discovery tool called the Volunteer Accelerator and we will be rolling this out at the end of this month! 

What this means is that on January 28th, we will have a QR code to scan to take a 2 minute survey that will help determine where you feel most skilled, fulfilled, and rewarded. The discovery tool will then automatically connect you with the top 10 opportunities that best fit your skills and passions. We will also have paper copies available, though the results will not be quite as immediate.

You might find roles you never knew about, or you may be affirmed in your current volunteer role… or both! We are excited about the possibilities that a healthy system like this can create for everyone to find a place they feel fulfilled and skilled, so that our church can continue to thrive!