This week, Paul writes about putting off our old selves, like an old stinky outfit, and putting on our new selves, like a brand new set of clothes. Much like trying to stop a bad habit, we will never be successful unless we replace it with a good, new habit. For every bad thing we take off of our old selves, we must replace it with something good and new.
Discuss: Paul gives several specific examples of what to stop doing and what to do instead. (Stop lying and speak truth. Stop stealing and work.) Can you think of other examples of things we, as Christians, shouldn’t do, and what we should replace it with. Paul mentions speech a lot in this passage. He talks about lying, clamor, slander, corrupting or foolish talk, crude joking. Why do you think he focus so much on this specifically? Talk about what power words have. God created the world with words. Jesus is called the Word. Our words matter.
Sing: O Worship the King – Hymn #104. O worship the King, all glorious above,and gratefully sing His wondrous love; Our shield and defender the Ancient of Days, pavilioned in splendor and girded with praise.