08 Sep This Week at FPC
Adult Sunday School Classes
We will have 2 adult Sunday School classes starting this Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Meet at the picnic tables.
Thera Barber will lead the first on the book of Mark, beginning in Mark 1. All you need is your Bible and possibly a notebook and pen. Please register today so we have an estimated headcount.
Trisha Posey will be leading the second on Receiving the Day (by Dorothy Bass), a look at Christian practices for rest and worship continually welcome us into a way of life attuned to the love of God, neighbor, earth, and self. Books are $10 and can be preordered by registering. Or you can order your own on Kindle or Amazon. If you preregister, we will send out the first chapter via email for this Sunday’s discussion.
Sunday School Outside
Sunday School for all ages (nursery through adults) begins this Sunday outside at 9 a.m. It’s a short 30-minute discussion or teaching time, followed by donuts each week before our 10:00 a.m. service. Children 4th grade and below will need to register at fpcsiloam.com/register or at the check-in kiosk.
Youth Group
Youth Group for students 5th-12th grade will resume Sunday, September 12 at 6:30-8:00 p.m. We will meet in the gym, with masks and physical distancing. We start with a hang out time, then large group activities and Bible teaching, followed by small group discussion and prayer. We will follow the same passages as the Family Gathering (just on a deeper level) so split families can discuss at home.
Women’s Bible Study
The women of FPC and friends are invited to a Bible study working through The New Testament Essentials this semester on Tuesday evenings beginning September 14. They will gather on the Wilson’s screened patio at 6:45 p.m. with an hour study from 7-8 p.m. Register and pay for the book ($5) at fpcsiloam.com/wb2021 or pay at the first meeting.
*Men’s study to come in the Spring*
Family Gathering
The Family Gathering will resume outside on Wednesday, September 15, 6-7 p.m. This is a family-centered, Bible story based discipleship experience recommended for families with 4th graders and below, including Pre-K. Families will sit together, learn the story as a large group, then dig into it as a family unit with fun activities, crafts, and thoughtful questions. Don’t worry, we’ll provide everything you need, including an easy to follow guide for Family Group Time. Just bring your lawn chairs or a blanket.
Evening Office
The Evening Office is a service of prayer, Scripture, and Sacrament for adults and kids (5th—12th grade) every Wednesday beginning September 15 from 6-7 p.m. at the church. We will meet on the East lawn.
Congregational Meeting
There will be a congregational meeting immediately following the service on September 12 to present the Mission, Vision, and Values of FPC.