Reception for Buisch Family On May 21, we will host a dessert reception following the service to thank the Buisch family for their service to the church and wish them farewell. There will be a basket for cards if you would like to write a personal...

Proclamation Institute Zambia This month, the Outreach Committee is highlighting the work of Proclamation Zambia. Proclamation Zambia is a school in Kitwe, Zambia that trains preachers and teachers in God's word to grow churches, by His grace. The school currently has sixteen students. They are on break...

Newsletter UpdatesA Word from SessionReverend ReflectionsParent's CornerOutreach Partner Update Congregational MeetingStay after the service this Sunday for a brief congregational meeting.  Young Children's Worship Volunteers NeededWe are looking for volunteers to help with Young Children's Worship during the summer. If you love Preschoolers and can help during...

Session In addition to our “regular” responsibilities, we have been preparing for the interim period. I have been creating manuals and guides for all the organizational and institutional knowledge that is in my head and delegating responsibilities to staff and volunteers who will assume ownership of...

Hello First Presbyterian Church, This is my last Reverend Reflection before my family and I depart for Ohio, and I want to use this space to simply say, “Thank you.”  I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve you and to know you these past...

Youth Rummage Sale: April 28-29Bring donations to the church:During office hours (April 25-28, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.) Wednesday, April 26, 5-7 p.m. Contact Dri (479.238.4232) to make other arrangements All proceeds go to help youth pay for their summer trips. We're Hiring!Family Ministry is expanding with two new part-time positions. Check out

Youth Rummage Sale: April 28-29Bring donations to the church:This Sunday, April 23, before or after churchDuring office hours (April 25-28, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.) Wednesday, April 26, 5-7 p.m. Contact Dri (479.238.4232) to make other arrangements All proceeds go to help youth pay for their summer trips. We're Hiring!Family Ministry is expanding with...

Hello First Presbyterian Church, This is one of my last Reverend Reflections to write before my family and I relocate to Ohio. Last month I wrote about the enduring and strong denominational connection that First Presbyterian Church will continue to enjoy after my departure. The EPC...

Spring Break Meet Up For those around during spring break, we are going to have a bring your own picnic at the Bob Henry Park on March 22 at 5:00 p.m. We will meet at the pavilion by the main playground. All are welcome! Church Information Survey If you...

Church Information SurveyThe Pastor Search Committee is working on our Church Information Form (CIF), which will help prospective pastors understand our congregation and the Siloam Springs community as they consider whether to apply for our pastoral position. We'd love your input on this important document!...