What's In A Name? Hello parents! I am writing to you from my study leave. Technically, I did not leave, logistics being as they are, but I did shift from weekly planning to long range planning and thinking about all the goodness of Scripture we can...

Moving Up Sunday This past Sunday we had our Moving Up Sunday service where all of our students advanced to their new classrooms. We also recognized all of our new Kindergarteners who have graduated out of Young Children’s Worship, and our new 5th graders who have...

We need YOU! Did you know that during the school year it takes around 40 volunteers each week to continue the various activities and ministries of First Pres? Between Sunday School teachers, liturgists, ushers, Communion celebrants, fellowship time coordinators and all the rest, there are a...

Summer Fun This summer has been full of fun, deeper connection, learning about God and so much more. The youth have gone to Joplin for the Move Conference and gained deeper insight into the Parables of Jesus. Incidentally, the children investigated the Parable of the Sower...

The Green Season Summer is my favorite season. I know, I know. I’m going to get some hate from all the hot-blooded readers who melt in the heat and dislike the sweating and the humidity. But I find the sunshine and the green everywhere to be...

I recently read this article in the Atlantic about the epidemic of depression and anxiety amongst youth. Derek Thompson gives four contributing factors: social media, low sociality, news about the world’s stresses is readily available, and modern parenting strategies. You can read his article for...

Holy Week for Kids Next week is Holy Week, the week we remember Jesus last week on earth from the Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday, to the Last Supper, to his death and resurrection. It’s a week laden with meaning and emotions, both happy and sad....

Sacramental Flow Since many families in our congregation come from a variety of different church backgrounds and traditions, there are often questions about how and when children can participate in the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The Sacramental Flow sign and brochures will help...

Since many families in our congregation come from a variety of different church backgrounds and traditions, there are often questions about how and when children can participate in the sacraments of baptism and communion. To help both new and existing families better understand the historical...