Bright FuturesBright Futures is one of our Outreach partners and is in need of backpacks for its annual distribution for students in Siloam Springs for the upcoming school year. New backpacks can be brought to the church through Sunday, July 31. There is also a need for...

Church-Wide Picnic in the Park Today, June 1 at 6:00 p.m., bring your picnic basket (or fast food!) to the Bob Henry Park for a time of fellowship and community building. We have reserved the pavilion nearest the main playground. Everyone is welcome! Bring a friend or...

Connor Young After the service this Sunday, we will host a cake and punch reception to celebrate Connor Young's graduation from seminary. Plan to join us to celebrate Connor! One-Day VBS Children finishing Kindergarten-4th grade are invited to join us June 25 from 10:00 am-2:00 pm for a One-Day...

Middle School Mystery TripRegistration for the Middle School Mystery Trip, Aug. 1-4, is now open for students completing grades 5th-8th. The Mystery trip is just that! A Mystery. What we can tell you is that it's local, that it's a chance to trust God and your...

Middle School Mystery TripRegistration for the Middle School Mystery Trip, Aug. 1-4, is now open for students completing grades 5th-8th. The Mystery trip is just that! A Mystery. What we can tell you is that it's local, that it's a chance to trust God and your...

Middle School Mystery TripRegistration for the Middle School Mystery Trip, Aug. 1-4, is now open for students completing grades 5th-8th. The Mystery trip is just that! A Mystery. What we can tell you is that it's local, that it's a chance to trust God and your...

Lenten Reading Guide for FamiliesDuring the season of Lent, we want you to encourage families to be reading and praying together in preparation for Easter. Follow the link below for a free guide from Jesus Storybook Bible for reading through lent.  Jesus Storybook Bible Guide Ukrainian Refugee...

Lenten Reading Guide for FamiliesDuring the season of Lent, we want you to encourage families to be reading and praying together in preparation for Easter. Follow the link below for a free guide from Jesus Storybook Bible for reading through lent.  Jesus Storybook Bible Guide Ukrainian Refugee...

Lenten Reading Guide for FamiliesDuring the season of Lent, we want you to encourage families to be reading and praying together in preparation for Easter. Follow the link below for a free guide from Jesus Storybook Bible for reading through lent.  Jesus Storybook Bible Guide Sunday Morning...

Ash WednesdayJoin us today from 6-7 p.m. for an Ash Wednesday service. Family Gathering and Evening Office will not meet, and everyone is encouraged to attend the Ash Wednesday service. Nursery will be provided for children ages 2 and under.   Sunday Morning PrayerYou are invited to...